No Longer Shameful, I’m Able to Admit My Stroller Love Affair…

I remember the first time I saw it- that light-weight beauty.  Handlebar height perfectly proportioned for someone 5’11’’ like me. The sleek, light nylon fabric held on by super-strength Velcro so strong it holds babies securely in its throngs yet with one yank from me can be removed, cleaned and replaced almost instantly! It was magnificent. My children would love gliding it its sweet embrace and I would feel like a swift ballerina pushing it gracefully through the mall or at the zoo… You have to know this fantasy was specifically appealing to me given I just delivered a baby 4 months ago and the chances of me appearing as a “graceful ballerina” brings to mind the scene from Fantasia where the dancing hippos appear in their ironic tutus. But hey, a girl can dream!  I became obsessed with acquiring this amazing apparatus that was going to change my life! I was so obsessed my husband was on the brink of supplying me with a “Cease and Desist” order to keep from hearing me utter those magical words …”City Mini Double Stroller.” Kind of rolls of the tongue, doesn’t it?

Now I’m not someone obsessed with material things, really I’m not. I don’t own designer handbags; I don’t lust after jewelry or shoes. I’ve always been one to preach frugality and financial responsibility and yet here I was; longing for a stroller that cost more than $400, or so I thought. I began pestering my husband to rework our budget, somewhere we HAD to find the funds to get this stroller. He reminded me of the double stroller he had already purchased for me. Ah yes, the Graco Duo-glider we’d picked up at Target. As I looked disdainfully at it’s pathetic structure, I found myself feeling like the kid driving the jalopy while all my friends had shiny, new sports cars. I probably began whining like one too- shameful I know. But, I was in stroller lust. It’s a very powerful thing.

I did not give up! I was getting that stroller. Weeks went by and I watched fantastic bargains come and go on-line. FINALLY, I had an idea. I would barter for the funds.  I dialed my mom like a mad woman on a mission.  “I have a proposition for you mom …” There was work to be done from home for the family business. I was more than qualified, but with two small children how would I find the time?!. The house may have looked like a tornado hit it each evening when my husband arrived home, but I had work to do! I had a stroller to work for. I searched the Internet for the best bargain. With a little research, I found out the 2010 model on clearance was almost the same as the 2011 model. I just needed to order a couple parts.  For the grand total of $330.00 I had a brand new 2010 Baby Jogger City Mini Double stroller versus the $429.00 of the 2011. Ah, I can continue my stance on frugality! I just saved $99!! I guess it depends how you look at it. I’m a “glass half full” kind of gal so rather than profess I spent $330, let’s stick with the savings of $99!!

At the end of the week the UPS man pulled up and my wondrous, glorious stroller was delivered! I would love to say I gleefully skipped outside and met the driver with a warm smile but the truth is, I was passed out in my recliner holding my infant trying to nap. When my husband attempted to slyly slide the long-anticipated package in next to me while I snoozed (so I could wake up to a delightful surprise) I grumbled at him like a grouchy bear disrupted during hibernation. Once awake, I couldn’t wait to put it together, strap the kids in and take it for a whirl. Did it glide with precision and turn on a dime loaded with 50 lbs of children in it? You bet your baby bottles it did! Do I look like a graceful ballerina pushing it? Not so much, but I did just give birth only a few months ago- give me time, I’ve got a new jogging stroller to inspire me.

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2 Responses to No Longer Shameful, I’m Able to Admit My Stroller Love Affair…

  1. t says:

    Best Blog! So funny! I can imagine you going through the motions like a dance trying to get your beautiful new stroller. You paint a perfect picture with you words. You are a very talented writer!


  2. Jen says:

    I’m having a love affair with your blog ; )


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