Attention NASA .. There’s a Black Hole SOMEWHERE in MY Living Room!

Where oh where did all my things go, oh where oh where can they be????”

My toddler understands SO much more than he lets on. He doesn’t talk much, but ask him to point something out or find something he wants to find- and BOOM! There you have it. We’ve learned to NEVER put things down of any importance in his play area of the living room because there’s a good chance you’ll never see it again. My husband and I have gone on extremely well orchestrated recognizance missions equipped with flashlights after the kids go to bed at night in search of the missing loot Payton has stashed. We move furniture, roll up rugs, empty drawers and come up empty handed and mystified by the fact that our living room not only has a black hole- but that the toddler somehow managed to conjure it. Either my child’s an ingenious magician capable of cryptic, disappearance tricks- or my husband and I are two schlubs outsmarted by a two year old- so there you have it .. my child is a GENIUS!!

Oh DVDs, WiFi cards, keys, puzzle pieces and Legos how I miss you… your absence has cost me a portion of my sanity in addition to cash to replace you. The black hole must not like everything it swallows because some things magically appear after being gone for months! I want to place these items in a special case up on a shelf  like you would something that’s fallen out of space. I wonder where it’s been- somewhere magical or stuck in some unknown crevice in my living room. Either way, I’m always happy to have the missing item back- but am convinced it was temporarily somewhere other than my living room because if it was here all along- what does that say about me and my husband’s knowledge of our home and its furnishings??

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1 Response to Attention NASA .. There’s a Black Hole SOMEWHERE in MY Living Room!

  1. Linda Key says:

    I love your story telling style Amanda, and I love the people you love and love and adore you too! Keep writing!!!!!!


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